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May 11, 2003

Gellin' like a Felon

Oh baby, I am gellin'!
Okay, not really, but who is going to blame me?
This blog hath begun, allow me to introduce myself. I am the poetfox, a person of questionable gender (yeah, so it's technically male, but that's a divine typo, so to speak) and questionable questions, with many that can be asked. Such as "Is your name Frederick?" and "Are you Gellin'?"
Anyway, everyone from here to somewhere else has a name on this thing. Allow me to hook you up with who is who.
Andrew is, well, Droid, the person whose hosting this thing and computer genius extrodinare.
Piman would be Essner, the man with the pi tattoo.
The Knob is also known as The Fuzz in some circles, and is my brother, Jonathan. Face him in random games on Warcraft III as The_Knob.
And could we forget Buchheit? Apparently, cause I have no idea what his name is on here. But he's here, too.
And now, a starting induction-style haiku. Ahem.
"Why do they keep not
asking me to do favors
with please and thank you?"
Cause they're all not givin' me the respect you should pay one who is gellin'.
With love,

Posted by poetfox at May 11, 2003 05:00 AM


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